The team behind Paris

Do you ever sit down to write and find that the words just won’t come? You stare at the blank screen for what seems like hours, but is really only minutes, and will yourself to type something, anything. But the words just won’t come.

If you’re a copywriter (or had to write anything), this feeling is all too familiar. 

We are paid to write, so when the words don’t come, it feels like we’re failing at our one job.

The truth is, writing is hard. It’s not always easy to find the right words to say, and even when you do, it’s not always easy to get them down on paper (or screen).

But the good news is, you’re not alone. Every writer struggles with writer’s block at some point. And the only way to get through it is to keep writing, even when it feels impossible.

So, the next time you’re struggling to write, remind yourself that everyone struggles with this at some point. Take a deep breath and just start typing. The words will come eventually. 

To help words flying in, we are creating Paris -a writing assistant powered with AI. 

Behind Paris there is a strong team with a passion for AI. We have engaged a team of Postgraduate students from Carnegie Mellon University who are making use of their technical capabilities to develop the best assistant. Paris is currently being tested for blogging, social media posts, news articles and presentations. 

Meet the team behind Paris. 

Jiae Tian is a Master of Information System Management from Carnegie Mellon University,  Cloud Computing Teaching Assistant & Ex-Software Development Engineer. He has a passion for cloud computing and data management. He has a bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Technology from the Jiliang University in China and a Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science from Auckland University of Technology. 

Chenyang Xu brings her expertise from her Bachelor of Science in Information Management and Information System from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE). She also holds a Master degree of Science in Information Technology from

Carnegie Mellon University. Chenyang programming and data management  knowledge have been key to Paris development.

Yuehao Fu holds a bachelor of Information Management and System from Shanghai University of Economics and Finance and a Master degree of Information Management from Carnegie Mellon University. Her curiosity and willingness to learn about the power of AI in text generation has made the project even more interesting and to develop smoothly.

Thanks to our team, hunger for knowledge and a better understanding of the future, we are developing a powerful tool we call Paris.

We’d love to talk! Let’s chat

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    (08) 7230 3171


    L3, 20 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, 5000 South Australia.


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