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Challenge 4 change

Nurture consciousness and awareness into people's minds in a way to inspire them to think differently and join the movement.


How to grow the sense of urgency of reducing carbon emissions in the Asian society as a mean to combat global warming.

Campaign Goal

The main goal of this campaign was to nurture consciousness and awareness into people's minds in a way to inspire them to think differently and join the movement.


Greenpeace wanted new content to stand out from their usual actions and we wanted to create communication assets out of ideas that were more creative and engaging than traditional petition pages.

Brief in hand, we gather our multidisciplinary team in a design thinking session focusing on the target audience.

Keeping brand consistency and brief alignment in mind, we went from divergent to convergent ideas until we finally blended a key concept of digital communication with the so much needed change in behaviour and so, we gave birth to the #Challenge4Change concept.

The #Challenge4Change campaign concept was the starting point from where we brewed a digital campaign to encourage the Korean community to commit to 7-days small actions to reduce carbon emissions - like minimising meat consumption and riding a bike instead of using a car.


Website sign-ups

1,179 people signed up performed the 7-days Challenge – Exceeding the 1,000-mark set as KPI before starting the campaign.

6K+ access to the website and 18% of conversion rate - exceeding Greenpeace average.

9,000 Kg of carbon emissions avoided - which translates into 1,406 trees saved.


104K+ video views on YouTube.


Reach 450+ reach. Average engagement rate: 2.6%. Average engagement rate: 45% higher than other campaigns.


205K+ organic reach on Facebook. 110K+ engagement on Facebook.